October 4, 2022
Now taking lamb orders!
Tasty, tender and mild flavoured lamb is what our farm produces. Forget what you think you know about eating lamb - our heritage breeds are less fatty, less gamey and definitely had a happy life on the farm either free-ranging or mob grazing in our all natural pasture. We sell whole lambs or half lambs, and can offer cut and wrap or keep intact for a roast. Please use our order form to reserve your lip smacking lamb today!April 1, 2019
New Directions
I've been putting in long hours to create a community forum where people from all walks of life can come together and talk about food.April 2, 2020
COVID cookery
A collection of cooking projects that use at least one ingredient from our farm. Simple food, simply prepared, simply delicious!August 24, 2017
Hops and Dreams…follow your blisters
Okay, we will play a short word association game. I say one word and you say the first word that comes to your mind… Clear your mind of all other thoughts… Ready? 1…2…3…Hops! Did you say beer? Bitter? Hipsters? How about asparagus? How about herbal anti-anxiety medicine? As it turns out there are many little known facts about this biney (not viney) perennial crop.July 15, 2017
Rocker Warrior Rachelle Van Zanten
Mostly everybody in BC’s North knows Rachelle, either from her music, from her environmental activism, or both. They’re so intertwined it’s impossible to pick them apart. Her songs are about the places and people that she loves - Francois Lake, the Skeena watershed, her kids, her mother. And her music is a tool in the activism that she uses to fiercely protect those places and people.July 9, 2017
Before the Roads…
Some evenings we sit outside and play the echo game. The official rules of the echo game state that the echo game must begin with “Helloooooo”, then proceed on to various claps, fart noises, bird calls, and other sounds in the echo artists’ repertoire. (These days our repertoire includes “Hoooooootenanny”.)July 9, 2017
What’s in a Name?
The first annual Hazelton Hops Hootenanny takes place at the Bulkley Canyon Ranch on September 16 and 17. During the days we’re hosting seminars on sustainable living, permaculture, and D-I-Y, and giving tours of our 50-acre off-grid farm and hop-growing operation.May 29, 2017
Meet Kiev
Kiev came to us as “Kevin” and had more hair than Cousin It from the Adams Family (look it up). After his haircut, we hardly recognized him and decided he needed a new name. His wool is amazingly soft and as a camelid, fits nicely into our existing animal mix of llamas and sheep.March 25, 2016